Testimonial from Kylie & Vaughn
Delivered what was needed

Our huge thanks to you and your highly professional team at Galetto Real Estate for enabling us to successfully sell our house. Your guidance at every step of the process ensured that we have had a positive selling experience.

From the initial house preparation and selling strategy discussions to the final negotiations you have been personally involved in every detail of the process. As a result you have been able to consider and address our needs and those of potential purchasers. At each stage you have delivered what was needed as scheduled. We felt that we were kept fully briefed and up to date along the way.

In particular, we felt that your input into styling and preparing our house for sale was wonderful. You treated our house like your own home and shared the pride we have for our property.

75 Belmont Road, Mosman

Kylie & Vaughn
Kate Galetto
Kate Galetto Principal/Licensee